Torrance Jacko Jr Harbour Club review

Torrance Jacko

My name is Torrance Jacko, I’m from Sunny San Diego, California. Excited to be here.

Torrance Jacko

When I first got dressed for the first day, I was washing up and I’m thinking, how the heck did I get here? So I clicked my way into the Harbour Club, but I’m excited I did. I guess the initial intention for why I chose to pay money to come to an event I knew nothing about was I’m in the insurance business, and knowing that a lot of people in the insurance business, I’ve been in it for a while, my initial thought was how can I buy some of those older folks who are retiring or looking to keep face with their current policy holders and buy them out and grow what they’ve already built. Maybe if they’ve helped their friend who has a son or a daughter, well they’re going to continue to get older, they’re going to have kids, and maybe I can step in and be that new face, new insurance person for their family or their business. So that was my initial intention.

Torrance Jacko

Because you weren’t taught this in school, you weren’t taught this in the companies you worked for. It’s definitely a high level conversation. I don’t think it was advertised as much as it should be, because once you get here, it’s a lot of content, a lot of meat and potatoes on the plate where you’re getting quality information that you can actually see yourself and think wow, it’s pretty simple, it’s not too complex, and where you can apply it in your own life.

Torrance Jacko

Put yourself in a position to come to an agreement with a company. But let’s say for whatever reason that company wasn’t able to facilitate the payment that you guys agreed on initially. Well, you’re able to step in with another company that you created and say, “Hey, I have this partner or have this referral that can now fund you the money that you need to pay me when we first agreed on buying your business.”

Torrance Jacko

So that strategy was just, wow, that makes a lot of sense, and it circumvents any objection where down the road, two years, three years, that business owner has no other option, now has the resources to pay and fulfill that agreement.

Torrance Jacko

I learn things different than most people. From a lecture point of view, if there’s ten things, I might catch four or five. So I’m the person that has to rehear, review a lot of things. But what’s also exciting is I heard there’s a platform once we leave here where we can connect with the people that went to the event and past events. So I don’t think there’s going to be a stone unturned that I missed.

Torrance Jacko

All the people that I’ve met here either work for somebody else or have been working for themselves for a while. But we all know people like that, right? People have a job or they’ve created a job through their own business. But what’s unique and connects us all is we all have a desire to do something different, to change our lives individually and for those that we love around us. So I think anyone that has a desire to change their situation, who’s open to new strategies, a new network and a new platform to do that, this is the place to be for sure.

Torrance Jacko

Appreciate you, man. Appreciate it you guys.

Speaker 2

Yeah, it’s funny I have no idea how I clicked [inaudible 00:03:10].

Torrance Jacko

I really don’t, man. That’s the craziest part. But I’m so grateful that I saw you guys and I kept listening to the testimonial videos just like this. So it’s funny that you asked me to do this because I’ve listened to every one of those probably two or three times. And there’s like 50 of them, so it’s kind of lengthy. But I just wanted to make sure I was making the right decision, and I’m glad I did, man.

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