How to learn the most from the deals you don’t do

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Okay. I’m going to share with you some ideas from discussions I’ve been having with other harbor clubbers. I’m going to break this down into five different parts. So this is part one if you like. The premise really is that look, it’s going to take you about 20 meetings before you do a deal. So I’ve talked before about this kind of deal heat of not getting too wedded to the idea of one that you’ve come across, because it might just be another no, and you’ve probably heard the old sales adage of learning to embrace no, because every note takes you to a possible yes. But there’s also a little trap that’s stuck within that, which is this idea of, the definition of insanity is to carry on doing the same thing and expect a different result. So there are some common mistakes that people can come make, and if you perpetually keep making those same mistakes, then it doesn’t matter how many meetings you have because it’s going to massively reduce the likelihood of a deal happening.

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So we very often share case studies of people that have done deals. But I thought it’s really interesting just to point out that actually you learn as much from the deals you don’t do as the deals you do do, and quite often when I’m chatting to harbor clubbers, I’ll always try and understand the ones that got away. Try and dig into the ones that got away. So really, I just wanted to, yeah, produce a little series of videos that help people understand the most common things that people get wrong, and really what you can do to try and make sure that you’re getting the most out of every deal you don’t do, and taking yourself forwards on the path to actually doing deals. So in the next video, we’ll dive into the first idea around this.

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